Europe still feels the economic crisis and also faces a problem with unacceptable youth unemployment. GameBiz will address both problems by innovative practices in education. It will develop a model that incorporates business and job creation, which eccoes one of the main goals of the ET2020 paper concerning: enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. GameBiz will develop a model for establishing pre-graduate “business incubators” already from upper secondary TVET level, and at the end of the project at least 8 small new companies will have been established in the project, 3 incubators will be up and running, and the partner universities have looked into the possibility of creating incubators of their own, or incorporated entrepreneurship in their curricula.
The chosen niche is the gaming industry, which reflects a recent Green Paper, where the EU Commission describes the need for more focus on Europe’s potentials for cultural and creative industries (CCIs). Besides, the industry is one of the most important in the world. Research firm Gartner, forecasts the market to be $111 billion by 2015. In Europe, we have a unique chance of being among the leaders, because of a high youth digital literacy and strong infrastructure. But we must move fast, because other parts of the world have discovered the industry’s potential and are acting on it. Since the number of games companies in Europe is still small, we shall teach our students to become entrepreneurs and create jobs themselves.
Expected GameBiz results are: The GameBiz Business Incubator Model, the GameBiz Business model, GameBiz Business Coach Job Description, and the GameBiz Competences Database. After the project period, Viden Djurs will sustain the GameBiz Competences Database, which will be open to all companies in the gaming business. 3 incubators will be up and running and enabling young entrepreneurs to start up new companies. Local versions of the model will be implemented across Europe and serve as inspiration for other institutions looking for similar models. All model descriptions will be placed for free download on the project homepage. The GameBiz model is easily transferable to other sectors as a good tool in the creation of new jobs and companies in the ICC sector, which might be Europe’s best chance of staying among the economic leaders of the world.