Innoguide 2.0
The overall rationale of this Erasmus+ project is two-fold. First of all it wants to further promote the online platform. And by organising train-the-trainer workshops, teach the materials that were designed in the first Innoguide project. This ensures a continued dissemination and apprehension of the Innoguide transversal skills in intercultural awareness, sustainability and experiential guiding. The second rationale is to improve the service quality of guide organisations and stimulate their entrepreneurial mind-set by developing. This is based on service design principles, a self-scan and supporting instruments. A self-scan makes guide organisations reflect on how they run their organisation and confronts them with their areas of improvement. The project provides in different supporting instruments these organisations can use to address these points of improvement.
Purpose of the Innoguide 2.0
This project is a follow-up project to the well received project Innoguide (rated 8.5/10 by the EC review committee). This project developed an e-learning platform with 3 modules on the innovative topics: sustainability, interculturality and experiential guiding. The platform is up-and-running but the work is not done yet. Guide trainers and users of the platform have expressed a need for more readymade materials and supporting train-the-trainer sessions. The current platform will be further improved with innovative and complementary applications increasing the interactivity and user-friendliness of the current platform. Extra applications envisioned (apart from a newsfeed and search engine) are interactive webinars. There is also one to one video communication system, allowing forparticipants to interact with and even talk to e.g. the module coordinators of one of the Innoguide topics.
Results of the project
The envisioned result for this project is:
- Increased attention for service quality management
- A growing level of quality in the field of guiding.
It is the aim to reach this objective by improving the VET learning of guides via a concrete online platform and different train-the-trainer workshops on the transversal Innoguide skills (EQF level 4 and 5).
See here for online learning platform
If you are looking for other inspiration regarding innovation, you can check out he other project: Innovativet